Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse

Goodbye Nursing Burnout,

Hello to Energized and Inspired Shifts!

Experience the Renewed Passion for Nursing You've Been Craving!

Discover the profound impact of cultivating a positive and resilient mindset on your daily shifts. Learn why mindset matters and how it can be the key to unlocking lasting energy, joy, and fulfilment in your nursing career.

Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse

Goodbye Nursing Burnout,

Hello to Energized and Inspired Shifts!

Experience the Renewed Passion for Nursing You've Been Craving!

Discover the profound impact of cultivating a positive and resilient mindset on your daily shifts. Learn why mindset matters and how it can be the key to unlocking lasting energy, joy, and fulfilment in your nursing career.

Are you weary from the constant feeling of being overwhelmed and exhausted?

Do you often find yourself so swamped that you're unsure of where or how to kickstart your day?

Do you find yourself going over each step and decision from the past day repeatedly in your mind?

Have you lost touch with what truly brings you joy outside of work?

Can you easily recall activities that you genuinely enjoy, for yourself?

Do you always return home from work feeling utterly drained, irritable, and frustrated?

I get it. I was once in your shoes.

Your "Mindset Mastery eBook for Nurses", is a comprehensive guide to empower nurses with the mental tools and strategies necessary to cultivate resilience, overcome challenges, and thrive both personally and professionally.

See inside the strategies of my Mindset Mastery For Nurses ebook!

Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse

Because Mindset Mastery for Nurses will empower, uplift and help you unlock a positive approach to nursing so you can thrive in both your career and personal life.

Do you have a love/hate relationship with nursing?

One day you find yourself feeling on top of the world, yet most days you feel nursing is chewing you up and spitting you out…

Or perhaps you’re wondering how to stay in this challenging career and cultivate a healthy and yet sustainable future in nursing?

Do you find yourself stuck in your head most days, overthinking, overanalysing and ruminating or repeatedly dissecting past events, and dwelling on details or actions taken in your workday?

Are you ready to transform your nursing career and reclaim your passion for the profession you love?

Introducing the "Mindset Mastery for Nurses" eBook

As a nurse of 25 years I know first hand to feel trapped in thoughts of overwhelming over analysis and self-doubt…the hypervigilance, the self doubt, the constant questioning of myself and my skills wondering if someone would find out that I was an imposter when in actual fact I was darn good nurse..

I also know what it’s like to come home feeling so burnt out, detached and feeling mentally distant from my own family….the time and energy it took away from my loved ones while at home, and the humans I valued the most in my world.

The difficulty being fully present for loved ones comes from the overwhelming mental, physical and emotional fatigue that no amount of days off seem to be able to resolve…

Even though you desperately want to be present, you stay stuck, consumed by your thoughts and find yourself feeling irritated when your partner or children want your attention.

As a seasoned nurse and certified life coach, I understand the challenges you face—the long shifts, demanding situations, and emotional strain — that can often lead to burnout and a love-hate relationship with nursing.

Imagine a career where you feel empowered, resilient, and in control — where challenges become opportunities for growth and where you can provide exceptional care while prioritizing your own well-being.

This is EXACTLY how I help my clients!

Over the last 3 years I’ve coached over 250+ nurses who have gone from:

Stage 12 burnout (complete mental, emotional and physical exhaustion) to lit up by life, empowered and IN CONTROL.

Feeling lost, frustrated, confused and overwhelmed to clear, focused, and confident.

Feeling beat up by a career and a profession they once loved to be empowered, motivated and excited each day.

In "Mindset Mastery for Nurses," I've distilled years of experience into a comprehensive guide tailored specifically for nursing professionals like you.

Join over 250 nurses who've reclaimed control over their mindset, focus, energy, health, and happiness through my coaching expertise.

Today you can access all my invaluable mindset mastery guidance in this eBook for just $37!

Say goodbye to hefty expenses—get the transformational advice you need without breaking the bank.

Hi, I’m Michelle, nurse of 25 years, mum of 3 children, Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner and life coach.

6 years ago I found myself:

- Feeling constantly overwhelmed and exhausted

- Dreading each shift

- Irritable and snappy towards my family

- Overthinking

- Feeling like an imposter

- Battled with intrusive thoughts and self doubt

- Lacking energy and vitality for life

And then I hit absolute rock bottom…..and ultimately reached stage 12 burnout.

After trying several methods of help I decided to take matters into my own hands and took myself on the most profound healing journey where I discovered the incredible power of Mindset!

Since then here is what my life has looked like:

- Feeling excited and motivated each day

- Showing up confident and empowered

- Healthy and Happy

- Making fast, effective decisions each day

- In control and organized

- Self led

- Able to process and understand my emotions

Are you in? Immediate download for just $37

What’s inside the Ebook…

Part 1: Why Perspective Matters

This section will focus on perspective and how your perspective ultimately shapes your approach to patient care and your ability to navigate the complex healthcare landscape.

Part 2: Cultivating A Growth Mindset

In this section you will learn 5 practical steps on how to cultivate a growth mindset that will enhance your personal and professional life and positively impact patient care, help you foster resilience and empower you to reach new heights in your nursing career.

Part 3: Resting the analytical brain

We’re breaking down what it means to rest your analytical brain as a nurse, symptoms of an overactive analytical brain and 4 practical strategies that have been tried and tested to promote rest and reset a busy mind.

Part 4: Pre-Shift Mindset Preparation

We will share with you how you can mentally prepare for each shift that will have you feeling empowered, in control and ready to tackle no matter what lies ahead of you.

Part 5: Post Mindset Shift Reflection

This section will provide you with the tools and strategies to effectively transition from your workplace to home without the ruminating thoughts or having to bring your workplace worries home.

Part 6: Building A Supportive Nursing Community

and How To Stay Inspired In Your Nursing Career

We’re sharing exactly what you can do to build a supportive community that will help you stay inspired in your career and help you navigate the inevitable challenges you will face as a nurse.

Total Value $299!!!

This is for you if……….

You’re a nurse who is looking to create a healthy and sustainable nursing career that won’t burn you out.

You’re a nurse who is ready to feel confident, empowered and in control.

You’re a nurse who is ready to create a solid mindset and master your thoughts.

Are you in?

Immediate download for just $37

Client Success Stories

Victoria went from stage 12 burnout, physical and mental exhaustion to healthy, happy and positive. Not only did Victoria land her dream job within 12 weeks of working with Michelle, she mastered her mindset and cultivated empowering daily habits and rituals that has her feeling energized and alive.

“I feel so empowered and alive and I am experiencing so much joy in my life!!”

Jo went from feeling lost, frustrated and burnt out as a nurse to creating a life she loves.

“Investing in myself and working with Michelle is the best thing I have EVER done. I have learnt so much about myself and what IS truly possible. Michelle is a true professional - the support and encouragement I received is like no other. Michelle helped open up a life for myself that I could not see, and for that reason I am eternally grateful”.

This eBook isn't just another self-help book; it's your roadmap to:

🌟 Cultivating A Solid Mindset: Learn powerful strategies to bounce back from setbacks and navigate the toughest situations with grace and confidence.

🌟 Embracing Positivity: Discover how to shift your mindset and create a positive outlook that fuels your passion for nursing and revitalizes your career.

🌟 Preventing Burnout: Gain practical tools and techniques to prevent burnout, manage stress, and create a sustainable, fulfilling career.

🌟 Self-Care Strategies: Explore proven methods to prioritize self-care without compromising the quality of care you provide to your patients.

This eBook isn't just about theory—it's a practical, actionable guide filled with exercises, real-life examples, and strategies that you can implement immediately to transform your mindset and elevate your nursing career.

Join countless nurses who have revitalized their passion for nursing and achieved a healthy work-life balance through "Mindset Mastery for Nurses." Invest in yourself and your career today—because when you thrive, your patients thrive too.

📚 Grab your copy now and unlock the potential within you to become the empowered, resilient nurse you've always aspired to be! 🌟

Are you in?

Immediate download for just $37

Mindset Mastery for Nurses

Dedicated to empowering and uplifting those in the nursing profession, this eBook will REVEAL:

- Strategies to tackle burnout head-on, aiding nurses in regaining their passion for the profession.

- Guidance on mastering pre and post-shift mindset techniques, enabling nurses to approach each shift with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

- Insights on cultivating a growth mindset crucial for navigating challenges in the nursing profession.

- Emphasis on the importance of building a supportive community that provides understanding, encouragement, and a shared journey towards professional and personal fulfilment.

- Practical tips and insights on maintaining a positive mindset, discovering joy in work, and aligning nursing careers with individual goals and aspirations.

From the author, Michelle Gordon, also known as The Healthy Happy Nurse, RN with over 25 years of experience, Wellness & Life Coach, and Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, you will further LEARN...

- Why perspective matters

- How to cultivate a growth mindset

- The importance of resting the analytical brain

- Pre-shift mindset preparation

- Post-shift mindset reflection

- Why building a supportive mindset community matters

- How to stay inspired in your nursing career

Student Reviews

“Life changing content and coaching! Michelle’s 1:1 coaching is outstanding! She understands, she is supportive each step of the way. She helped me rewrite my story, see new perspectives, push through limitations, supported me in thinking outside the box, allowing me to contemplate my life’s limitless possibilities! I don’t want my coaching experience to end.”

- Amelie

“This course changed my life! I needed help, and this course came at the perfect time. I learned how to be truly happy and thrive again. So many amazing things have happened since I started this course, and I am truly grateful.”

- Tarli

“I’m feeling more relaxed, take each day as it comes and live in the moment. I can’t think Michelle enough for this program and actually brings me to tears thinking about it. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who is feeling lost in themselves and uncertain of where they are heading. It has given me hope for the future.”

- Sally

Student Reviews

“Life changing content and coaching! Michelle’s 1:1 coaching is outstanding! She understands, she is supportive each step of the way. She helped me rewrite my story, see new perspectives, push through limitations, supported me in thinking outside the box, allowing me to contemplate my life’s limitless possibilities! I don’t want my coaching experience to end.”

- Amelie

“This course changed my life! I needed help, and this course came at the perfect time. I learned how to be truly happy and thrive again. So many amazing things have happened since I started this course, and I am truly grateful.”

- Tarli

“I’m feeling more relaxed, take each day as it comes and live in the moment. I can’t think Michelle enough for this program and actually brings me to tears thinking about it. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who is feeling lost in themselves and uncertain of where they are heading. It has given me hope for the future.”

- Sally

Unlock Bonus Resources!

This eBook comes with engaging activities and journal prompts. Plus, become a part of our thriving community of like-minded nurses!

Here, you'll find ongoing support, encouragement, and the opportunity to share your experiences. Engage in discussions, gain insights, and be part of a community that understands your unique journey.

All of this is designed to elevate your Nursing career, available for only $37!

Introducing The Finding Bliss After Burnout Podcast

My mission is to help women release the burnout and overwhelm for good! And not only that, but to show up feeling fulfilled, happy, confident, energized and to live a life that they absolutely LOVE.

I've recently launched my podcast where I share my journey, and the lessons, the strategies, the learnings and tools I have embraced along the way and I want to share it with you!


Is the content suitable for nurses at all career levels?

Absolutely. The Mindset Mastery for Nurses eBook is designed to benefit nurses at all career levels, offering valuable insights and strategies for personal and professional growth.

I’ve been nursing for several years and feeling frustrated with my career.

YES! We wanted to offer something that nurses at any stage of their career can access affordably to help them enhance their career, become the master of their mind and expand the possibilities.

Nursing has changed, it’s not what it used to be, how will this help?

Mindset Mastery for nurses is about controlling the controllable, and that is you, your thoughts and YOUR mindset! The power lies within you and once you have the tools available to you, you will hold the key to cultivating a fulfilling, successful and sustainable nursing career.

How long will it take to see results from implementing the strategies in the eBook?

Results vary, but many nurses report positive changes shortly after implementing the strategies. Consistent practice of the mindset techniques is key to long-term success.

How do I download the eBook after purchase?

After completing your purchase, you will receive a link to download the eBook. Follow the provided instructions to access your copy.

Can I access the eBook on multiple devices?

Yes, once purchased, you can access the eBook on multiple devices for your convenience.

Do I have access to eBook for good?

Yes! Once you purchase this, it is yours for life.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Unfortunately, we do not offer a money-back guarantee. However, we are confident that the valuable insights and resources provided in the eBook will significantly benefit your nursing career.

What is the refund policy?

Because you receive everything upon purchasing, no refunds are available once you purchase.

Are you ready to thrive in your Nursing career and personal life?


Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse

Check Out More Success Stories!

Tina. H

"Working with Michelle has helped me consolidate my knowledge and growth and this has allowed me to expand and continue to grow and learn and in doing so I'm living my best life!"

Becky. P

"The best investment in you could ever make! Thank you, Michelle, for offering this, I will forever be grateful for what I have learned through your programs".

Brooke. F

" I can totally see changes within myself and my mindset.  I can so clearly see the growth and improvement.  Step by step I am getting there, I can feel and see progress within myself and I love it".

Sally. O

" I can't thank Michelle enough for this program, it actually brings me to tears thinking about it.  I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who is feeling lost in themselves and uncertain of where they are heading".

Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse

Michelle has worked with over 100's of women nurses as a coach and mentor.

Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse

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