How to Beat Nurse Burnout and Regain Your Energy and Vitality For Life and your Career

Learn how to overcome burnout as a nurse and reignite

your passion for life without having to sacrifice or choose between your happiness and career!

  • Burnout Understand the 12 stages of Burnout and how it is affecting you and where you’re at

  • Misalignment Learn the 6 areas of misalignment that lead to burnout

  • Depletion Understand why you’re energetically bankrupt and depleted and the 3 limiting programs that are keeping you stuck

  • Alignment Learn the secret to accessing your vitality, joy, health and happiness for life and your career!


How to Beat Nurse Burnout and Regain Your Energy and Vitality For Life and your Career

Learn how to overcome burnout as a nurse and reignite your passion for life without having to sacrifice or choose between your happiness and career!

  • Burnout Understand the 12 stages of Burnout and how it is affecting you and where you’re at

  • Misalignment Learn the 6 areas of misalignment that lead to burnout

  • Depletion Understand why you’re energetically bankrupt and depleted and the 3 limiting programs that are keeping you stuck

  • Alignment Learn the secret to accessing your vitality, joy, health and happiness for life and your career!

Hi, I'm Michelle Gordon

Registered Nurse, Wellness & Life Coach, NLP Practitioner

With 26 years in the nursing profession and a young family of my own a few years ago I found myself lost, frustrated, overwhelmed and ultimately burnt out.

After hitting rock bottom, I found my way out using this exact same approach that I have now created into my signature program The Health and Happiness Formula.

And from my journey through burnout and overwhelm and using the steps in the Health and Happiness Formula I've been able to create the most incredible life.

I've unlocked a life of freedom, joy, vitality, clarity, that feels fun, and I now have the energy for my beautiful children and family, and I want you to know that this is available for you too.

After spending several years documenting, studying and learning, I have created a space for women who are struggling with burnout and overwhelm to guide and mentor them so they too can live a life of freedom, joy, clarity and feel energised to do what they love and what lights them up.

As a certified life coach, NLP (neuro linguistic programming) practitioner, and certified Reiki practitioner my programs embody an holistic approach, reconnecting the mind, body and soul to align with the life you desire.

Check Out Some of Our Success Stories!

Join this free Masterclass if you are ready to take back control, prioritise your health, happiness and wellbeing, and are ready to feel energised and alive.

This Masterclass is for you if

  • You are a nurse who is burnt out and longing to wake up with energy in the morning

  • You feel depleted, lost and stuck and have forgotten what joy and happiness feel like and what truly lights you up

  • You love nursing and feel conflicted because while you’re caring for everyone else your own health is suffering

  • You want to be connected and present for your loved ones, and have the energy to do things outside of work

  • You are overwhelmed, overthinking and always up in your head even grocery shopping or deciding what to cook for dinner is hard

Check Out More of Our Success Stories!

"Working with Michelle has helped me consolidate my knowledge and growth and this has allowed me to expand and continue to grow and learn and in doing so I'm living my best life!"

Tina. H

"The best investment in you could ever make! Thank you, Michelle, for offering this, I will forever be grateful for what I have learned through your programs".

Becky. P

"The best investment in you could ever make! Thank you, Michelle, for offering this, I will forever be grateful for what I have learned through your programs".

Brooke. F

" I can't thank Michelle enough for this program, it actually brings me to tears thinking about it. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who is feeling lost in themselves and uncertain of where they are heading".

Sally. O

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